Her dad Eric, is a cosmologist and they , i.e. he and his team, are working on a Mars project and the head quarters is in New York. They had recently built a robot-Homer. All the previous robot they sent to Mars had melted within a few minutes. But this robot was special. It looked like an upside down top. “Homer would be looking for water on Mars; using a special scoop at the end of his long robotic arm, he would scrabble through the icy surface of Mars to pick up handfuls of mud, which he would then bake in a special oven.” (p.75) is the description given in the book about Homer.
Now Anne and her family have moved to New York but George can’t visit them as his family can’t afford it. But then he realized that he had a secret weapon – Grandma! She was the bossiest and most persuasive. Even Ghenghis Khan would start trembling. So George sent an email to his Grandma to which he replied within a few seconds. The email said that she would be at his house in an hour. She came exactly as the seconds hand came to twelve, making George think she waits outside a bit earlier. Somehow she persuades his parents and she also gets the plane tickets for George with her. So off he flies and there he starts his adventure, with of course Anne.
Did you know that it rains on one of the moons of Saturn – Titan but not just any rain, acid rain with acid lakes and acid volcanoes? Do you know what Goldilocks zone is? If not, then this is a must read.