Once there was a boy who liked a girl very much and wanted to dance with her at a party but she said that she would dance with anyone who would give her a red rose. The boy was depressed as there was no red rose to be found anywhere at that point of time. He started crying.
A nightingale sitting on the branch of an oak tree nearby heard his wails and crying. She understood what happened immediately and understood the boy's true love. She made a promise to herself that she would help the boy.
She sets off immediately and sees a rose tree ahead. She asks the rose tree to give her a red rose but the tree said that it only bears white roses and maybe its brother could help the bird. It gives the location and the nightingale sets off.
Later, she sees a rose tree and stops there. When she asks for a red rose, the tree replied that it bears only yellow roses and that it could go to his brother for help. It tells her the location and once more the nightingale sets off.
After a long journey, she spots a rose tree and when the nightingale asks for a red rose the tree says that because of the cold and snow the branches had broken and it cannot bear any red roses the whole year. The nightingale, frustrated, asks if there is no way to get just a single red rose. The tree says there is, but it is a very hard way and it needs bravery. The nightingale satisfied at last, asks what it is that needs to be done. The tree replies that only her blood can give nutrition and color to the rose. The nightingale thinks about it, she thinks what is the life of a nightingale compared to a boy who has found his true love, and she agrees. The tree continues, the nightingale had to press a thorn against her heart while she sang and she had to finish just as dawn reaches.
The nightingale goes back home to say bye to all her friends and her dear old oak tree. The oak tree very sad, asks her to sing for him one last time and so she sings. She packs some food as, it was a long journey to the rose tree. She reaches and she starts.
The nightingale sings about love and then her story. While the tree kept telling her to push the thorn harder into her heart, she keeps singing and keeps pushing. Just as dawn breaks the rose is completed and it was the most beautiful rose in the whole world. With the last bit of her life and energy she goes near the boys window and cries as she drops the rose and dies.
The boy wakes with a start as he hears the nightingale's cry. He, unaware of the nightingale's sacrifice to get him a rose, looks out of the window and sees the rose lying on a soft bed of grass. He rushes out, picks it up, and goes to the girl's house. He presents the rose to her and she refuses because another boy had given her a lot of jewels. She also said that jewels were worth more than a red rose and then again, the rose didn't match with her dress.
The boy starts saying rude things to her and she, astonished, starts saying things too. They got into an argument and soon the girl stomps back into her house. The boy devastated, turns away and throws the rose away in anger. He then proceeds to his house sadly muttering about what a horrible and messy thing love is.
I felt very sad for the nightingale. I wish the boy had atleast known about its sacrifice. Also, it is important to know whom to sacrifice for.
A nightingale sitting on the branch of an oak tree nearby heard his wails and crying. She understood what happened immediately and understood the boy's true love. She made a promise to herself that she would help the boy.
She sets off immediately and sees a rose tree ahead. She asks the rose tree to give her a red rose but the tree said that it only bears white roses and maybe its brother could help the bird. It gives the location and the nightingale sets off.
Later, she sees a rose tree and stops there. When she asks for a red rose, the tree replied that it bears only yellow roses and that it could go to his brother for help. It tells her the location and once more the nightingale sets off.
After a long journey, she spots a rose tree and when the nightingale asks for a red rose the tree says that because of the cold and snow the branches had broken and it cannot bear any red roses the whole year. The nightingale, frustrated, asks if there is no way to get just a single red rose. The tree says there is, but it is a very hard way and it needs bravery. The nightingale satisfied at last, asks what it is that needs to be done. The tree replies that only her blood can give nutrition and color to the rose. The nightingale thinks about it, she thinks what is the life of a nightingale compared to a boy who has found his true love, and she agrees. The tree continues, the nightingale had to press a thorn against her heart while she sang and she had to finish just as dawn reaches.
The nightingale goes back home to say bye to all her friends and her dear old oak tree. The oak tree very sad, asks her to sing for him one last time and so she sings. She packs some food as, it was a long journey to the rose tree. She reaches and she starts.
The boy wakes with a start as he hears the nightingale's cry. He, unaware of the nightingale's sacrifice to get him a rose, looks out of the window and sees the rose lying on a soft bed of grass. He rushes out, picks it up, and goes to the girl's house. He presents the rose to her and she refuses because another boy had given her a lot of jewels. She also said that jewels were worth more than a red rose and then again, the rose didn't match with her dress.
The boy starts saying rude things to her and she, astonished, starts saying things too. They got into an argument and soon the girl stomps back into her house. The boy devastated, turns away and throws the rose away in anger. He then proceeds to his house sadly muttering about what a horrible and messy thing love is.
I felt very sad for the nightingale. I wish the boy had atleast known about its sacrifice. Also, it is important to know whom to sacrifice for.