This Book Is Not Good For You - Pseudonymous Bosch

OK,so every book has a main topic, right? For example: Harry Potter- Wizards, Percy Jackson- Demigods, Mediator- Ghosts, Wimpy Kid- Gregory's awful life, etc. This book's main topic is... Here we go... my favorite... food... sweet... oh, so yummy... can't hold it in any longer... 1,2,3... ready?...CHOCOLATE!! Cheers, Mr. Pseudonymous Bosch! 

This is again a series called the "Secret Series". The book 'This book is not good for you' is the third book in the series. The first one's called 'The name of this book is secret' and the second, 'If you're reading this, it's too late'. All of these books have one purpose: To stop the Midnight Sun from finding a very valuable secret. A secret so horrible, that the ancient Egyptians had died within a week of reading it. This secret can change the world. Midnight Sun is evil, Terces Society is good. As you can figure out, the Terces society tries to find the secret before the Midnight Sun and keep it safe. In this book, the Midnight Sun are doing something quite mysterious, buying the major chocolate (!!) plantations all over the world. Thus... excited. However, mind you, it's not just any ordinary bar of chocolate (!!) oh, no! It is extra dark, extra exhilarating, an extra supercalifragilisticexpialdocious type of taste, but it poisons! Until next time... oh, and by the way now that you know about all of this, you might get two unexpected guest, one who looks like a barbie doll and another a silvery kind of a guy. Until next time, again...

*I have just finished reading the first book of this series and it's basically about two kids who are about eleven who will join the Terces society, although they haven't met any member yet.