(Septimus Heap) Magyk - Angie Sage

Queen Murdered By Assassin In Disguise!
The queen was murdered on the same day as when she had given birth to her child. She was shot by the silver pistol and bullet. For those magykal folks who don't know - the silver pistol and bullet never miss their mark. Never. Extra-Ordinary Wizard Alther Mella was also murdered by the same assassin at the same place, right after the queen. Rumor has it that his Apprentice- Marcia Overstrand was there when it happened. She put a protective shield around herself and the baby girl and escaped. Is the princess- the righful heri to the throne still alive? Will she take the place of our late queen" Was she deposited at a random family's doorstep? Was it even a "random" family? All we can do is wait. until then, everything is a mystery.

To find out - you got it - READ THE BOOK!!