Chocolate Cake - Me!

My parents think I'm too old to write poems about chocolate cake, but I think no one is too old for it!

Get the oven to a bit of heating,
Flour, sugar, eggs, water, mix and give it a beating.
Give the batter a taste, good?
Put it in the oven for some tasty food!

Don’t mope around, get to the icing,
Don’t dream yet for the big slicing!
Break the chocolate; bring it to a boil,
Make it look like the brown, brown soil.

Are three-quarters of an hour done yet?
Yes they are, you bet!
Bring it out, let it cool,
Is it done yet? Don’t be a fool!

Oh, that looks tasty!
Slather on that icing that looks lovely pasty
Oh, cut it open for goodness sake,
Cut open that chocolate cake!