Noetic Science

Noetic science is the science of interconnectedness between the physical and non-physical properties. The basic concept is to access the untapped potential of the human mind.

My curiosity in this science sparked when I was reading a book called ‘The Lost Symbol’ by Dan Brown. This book is about Masonic beliefs, but I am not going to talk about that right now. I intend writing a review of the book later. What I am going to talk about right now is from another section of the book where ‘Katherine Solomon’ talks about her research. ‘Katherine’ is a scientist in the field of Noetics and has a secret lab in Pod 5 of the Smithsonian Museum located in Washington DC.

Her research shows that, and I quote from page no. 85:


Based on her further research, she found that this field can answer many 'unanswerable questions', revolutionise and change the way we perceive things. Do you remember, the world was predicted to end on December 21, 2012? This was interpreted as the world getting destroyed and life coming to an end. However, the other more practical way of looking at it, suggests that the world as we know now will end due to the huge leap in scientific advancements.

I am intrigued by this topic and would definately research further.  It might seem like psychic bogus but it isn’t. You may want read about the Institute of Noetic Science’s (IONS) research and mind boggling  break-throughs. It is a new field, yet one of the oldest practiced by our ancestors. Buddha has spoken about it and so have the Bible, Quran, and the Gita.