Found-Text Poem (One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

Through one of my courses, I discovered an interesting form of poetry. Below is my found-text poem on Rebecca- a fascinating character from Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude

That Sunday, in fact, Rebeca arrived                                                                                    (41)
She carried her parents’ bones                                                                                              (42)
A solitary character and an impenetrable heart                                                                    (65)
Who fed on earth and whitewash                                                                                           (223)
Within a few years                                                                                                                 (9)
Entering the house                                                                                                                  (77)
Pietro Crespi was young and blond, the most handsome and well-mannered                       (62)
Already caused a colossal disturbance                                                                                   (233)
Between Amaranta and Rebeca                                                                                             (51)
Two unknown and beautiful adolescent girls                                                                        (55)
Rebecca who was the one he wanted                                                                                     (71)
Lost control of herself                                                                                                            (95)
To that protomale                                                                                                                   (95)
Jose Arcadio                                                                                                                           (25)
Overcome by the growing anxiety                                                                                         (65)
Ate handfuls of earth in the garden with a suicidal drive                                                      (68)
Wild passion                                                                                                                           (96)
Began to be known                                                                                                                 (151)
She had decided to get married                                                                                              (77)
Jose Arcadio and Rebeca went to live in the house Arcadio had built                                  (134)
Unfortunate fate                                                                                                                     (109)
One September afternoon                                                                                                      (135)
The sound of a pistol shot echoed                                                                                          (135)
Jose Arcadio lying face down                                                                                                (136)
Paralyzed with stupor                                                                                                             (123)
To attain the privileges of solitude                                                                                        (225)
Rebeca closed the doors of her house                                                                                    (136)
Lost forever                                                                                                                            (243)